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Cornell University

Program in Computational Science and Engineering


Within the sciences and engineering, it is frequently the interplay between theory, experiment, and computation that prompts innovation. To be effective in this environment, one needs a background that is rich in both applications and supporting areas of computer science and mathematics. The CSE Minor is tailor-made for this purpose. Created under the auspices of CIS, the program enables computationally-oriented students to amplify their research strengths by choosing a modest number of suitable courses from a menu. We subscribe to the philosophy articulated by the SIAM Working Group on CSE Education:

Going from application area to computational results requires domain expertise, mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, algorithm development, software implementation, program execution, analysis, validation and visualization of results. CSE involves all of this. Although it includes elements from computer science, applied mathematics, engineering and science, CSE focuses on the integration of knowledge and methodologies from all of these disciplines, and as such is a subject which is distinct from any of them. Cornell is well-known for its support of multidisciplinary education and the CSE minor exemplifies this university strength.

Faculty interested in joining the CSE Field should contact the director.