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Cornell University

Program in Computational Science and Engineering

CSE Field Members

Tomas Arias

Tomas Arias

522 Clark Hall
(607) 255-0450

Computational studies from first principles of mechanical properties of materials, electronic and spectroscopic signatures of extended crystalline defects, properties of nanoscale devices and fundamental processes involved in crystal growth. Development of new techniques for these studies, including the use of wavelets in scientific computing and novel design principles for parallel software.

David Bindel

David Bindel

Computer Science
425 Gates Hall
(607) 255-5395

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), numerical linear algebra, finite element analysis, floating point computation and network tomography.

Anil Damle

Anil Damle

Computer Science
423 Gates Hall

Numerical linear algebra, computational quantum chemistry, computational statistics, fast algorithms.

Ashim Datta

Ashim Datta

Biological and Environmental Engineering
208 Riley-Robb Hall
(607) 255-2482

Modeling of heat and mass transfer, fluid flow and some solid mechanics in biological and biomedical processes. We make physics-based numerical models of food processes to be able to optimize product, process and equipment for improved quality and safety. Also, these models can be used to build automated appliances/ machinery that provide custom quality. In biomedical applications, the goal of modeling is to obtain better insight into procedures and be able to optimize them.

Olivier Desjardins

Olivier Desjardins

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
305 Upson Hall
(607) 255-4100

Large-scale numerical modeling of turbulent reacting multiphase flows with industrial application using world-class parallel computers. Numerical methods and models to investigate the multi-scale and multi-physics fluid mechanics problems that arise in a range of engineering devices, such as combustors or biomass reactors.

Peter Diamessis

Peter Diamessis

Civil and Environmental Engineering
105 Hollister Hall
(607) 255-1719

My research focuses on the numerical simulation of small-scale fluid flow processes in the natural environmental, particularly, the interplay between turbulence and internal gravity waves, and the resulting mixing, in stratified waters near and away from boundaries. As a result, am interested in higher-ord (spectral) accuracy element-based methods, parallel large-scale computation and the associated numerical linear algebra tools.

Chris Earls

Chris Earls

Civil and Environmental Engineering
365 Hollister Hall
(607) 255-1652

My research is concerned with developing novel algorithmic and computational approaches that enable new understanding concerning the actual condition, and future performance of complex engineered and natural systems. Practical challenges concerning the principled treatment of uncertainty, sparse sensing, and the complex multi-physics response modalities of the real-world are motivational in my work. The intellectual themes that underpin my research are: computational mechanics, high performance computing, and applied mathematics. Problems of interest to me occur in the domains of engineering and applied science.

Steve Ellner

Steve Ellner

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
E339A Corson Hall
(607) 254-4221

Theoretical population biology and evolutionary ecology. Modeling, mathematics, and simulation in collaboration with experimental biologists. The interface between theory, modeling, and empirical ecology, and the use of dynamic models as tools for identifying the mechanisms behind the observed dynamics of ecological systems.

Fernando Escobedo

Fernando Escobedo

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
377 Olin Hall
(607) 255-8243

The development and application of modeling and simulation methods to elucidate the structure-property relationship of soft materials. Construction of statistical mechanical models and solution via molecular dynamics or Monte Carlo methods. Synthesis of Monte Carlo methods into generalized frameworks.

Greg Ezra

Greg Ezra

Chemistry and Chemical Biology
G-12 Baker Laboratory
(607) 255-3949

Bound state and reaction dynamics of molecular and atomic systems; intramolecular vibrational energy transfer, unimolecular dissociation, and collisional energy transfer. Classical trajectory methods, semiclassical theories, and direct solution of the nuclear Schrodinger equation are employed as appropriate to investigate fundamental problems in intramolecular and collision dynamics.

Peter Frazier

Peter Frazier

Operations Research
232 Rhodes Hall
(607) 254-5243

Optimal learning and the exploration vs. exploitation tradeoff, at the interface between machine learning and sequential decision-making under uncertainty.

Oliver Gao

Oliver Gao

Civil and Environmental Engineering
324 Hollister Hall
(607) 254-8334

Transportation systems, environmenal science (especially air quality and climate change), energy, and sustainable development. Sustainable food systems, quantifying and mitigating green-house gas emissions from food supply chains.

Shane Henderson

Shane Henderson

Operations Research
230 Rhodes Hall
(607) 255-9126

Discrete-event simulation, from input analysis (for example, extension of simple input models to capture correlation between inputs) to output analysis (for example, using martingales in simulation to achieve variance reduction). The interplay between optimization and simulation. Structured simulation optimization, where the optimization problem enjoys certain properties, like convexity or quasi convexity, that can be exploited to develop algorithms that are robust and fast. Applications in this area include radiation treatment planning, call center planning, yacht match racing, ambulance deployment, adaptive Monte Carlo and policy identification in complex networks.

Yong Joo

Yong Joo

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
340 Olin Hall
(607) 255-8591

Integration of continuum analysis with molecular details in polymeric materials processing. Areas of current interest include the microstructural rheology and processing of complex fluids, the formation of nanofibers via electrospinning , the occurrence of purely elastic instabilities in polymer flows, and the solid state processing of advanced polymeric materials. Comparison of experimental results with numerical simulation.

Nathan Kallus

Nathan Kallus

Operations Research

My research revolves around data-driven decision making, the interplay of optimization and statistics in decision making and in inference, and the analytical capacities and challenges of observational, large-scale, and web-driven data.

Steve Lantz

Steve Lantz

Cornell Center for Advanced Computing
533 Rhodes Hall, Center for Advanced Computing
(607) 254-8887

High performance computing, parallel computing, numerical modeling and simulation, fluid dynamics, plasma physics. Performance characterization and tuning of high-energy particle physics software.

Adrian Lewis

Adrian Lewis

Operations Research
235 Upson Hall
(607) 255-9147

Variational analysis and nonsmooth optimization, with a particular interest in optimization problems involving eigenvalues.

Roger Loring

Roger Loring

Chemistry and Chemical Biology
208B Baker Laboratory
(607) 255-4873

The dynamics of molecules in condensed phases control phenomena ranging from biological processes to the course of liquid phase chemical reactions to the mechanical properties of materials. Our group develops theoretical methods for interpreting and predicting the motions of both small molecules and macromolecules in the liquid state. A principal research area is the development of semiclassical approximations to quantum mechanics that can be applied to the interpretation of multidimensional infrared spectroscopy of biomolecules.

Chris Myers

Chris Myers

Computational Biology Service Unit
626 Rhodes Hall
(607) 255-5894

Molecular and cell biology (specifically, the functioning of regulatory and signaling networks in cells) and to related questions concerning the organization and evolution of complex, adaptive, information processing systems.

Perrine Pepiot

Perrine Pepiot

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
256 Upson Hall
(607) 254-5281

Novel modeling tools to allow for a much stronger chemical insight into CFD and increase the impact of numerical approaches in the design and optimization of energy systems.

Sara Pryor

Sara Pryor

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
1117 Bradfield Hall
(607) 255-3376

Dynamics of the climate system and development of robust regional climate projections using both numerical models and statistical tools, with a particular focus on variables of relevance to large infrastructure and high-value assets. Continuous measurements of ultrafine particle concentrations and fluxes at a range of terrestrial and marine sites. Regional aerosol modeling using WRF-Chem and innovative methods for deriving aerosol properties from ground-based and satellite-based remote sensing observations.

Patrick Reed

Patrick Reed

Civil and Environmental Engineering
211 Hollister
(607) 255-2024

Sustainable water management given conflicting demands from renewable energy systems, ecosystem services, expanding populations, and climate change. Tools bridging sustainability science, risk management, economics, multiobjective decision making, operations research, computer science, high performance computing and advanced spatiotemporal visualization and uncertainty modeling techniques.

Jim Sethna

Jim Sethna

412 Physical Sciences Building
(607) 255-5132

Materials science, including crackling noise and avalanches in magnetic systems, tweed in shape-memory alloys, accelerated simulations of surface growth, Arrhenius law for double jumps; glasses, including metallic glasses, low temperature glasses, slow relaxation, and scaling theories of the glass transition; disordered systems.

David Shalloway

Molecular Biology and Genetics
265 Biotechnology Building
(607) 254-4896

Methods from statistical physics to dissect the behavior of these complex systems according to size scale. Computer algorithms for hierarchical macrostate analysis.

David Shmoys

David Shmoys

Operations Research
232 Rhodes Hall
(607) 255-9146

Design and analysis of efficient algorithms for discrete optimization problems, in particular, approximation algorithms for NP-hard and other computationally intractable problems, the development of algorithmic tools that lead to approximation algorithms for which good performance guarantees can be proved.

Huseyin Topaloglu

Huseyin Topaloglu

Operations Research
2 West Loop Road
(646) 971-3825

Large-scale resource allocation problems under uncertainty. Techniques involve dynamic programming, stochastic optimization, machine learning and stochastic approximation to tackle problems whose conventional dynamic programming formulations involve high-dimensional vector-valued state variables. Research exploits structural properties of the underlying problem (such as monotonicity, convexity, submodularitry) to enhance performance. Applications in the areas of dynamic fleet management and inventory control. Other research interests include pricing problems that arise in conjunction with the allocation of resources over complex physical networks under uncertainty. Such problems arise in freight, data transmission capacity and airfare pricing.

Alex Townsend

Alex Townsend

Malott Hall 589
(607) --------

I am interested in the study and development of numerical algorithms in applied mathematics. I mainly work in the following three areas: (1) Novel spectral methods for the solution of differential equations, (2) The asymptotics of special functions for image reconstruction, convolution, and quadrature, and (3) Numerical algebraic geometry for the solution of polynomial systems.

Jeffrey Varner

Jeffrey Varner

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
244 Olin Hall
607 255-4258

Mathematical modeling, simulation and analysis techniques applied to problems in oncology, immune system function, and cell-cycle and cell-death network dynamics. Key areas of study include (i) the characterization and solution of multiscale reaction-diffusion problems that underlie the efficacy of Ligand Targeted Therapies (LTT) in B-cell cancers and solid tumor carcinomas and (ii) the immune system response to pathogens. Problems in therapeutic protein design, expression and recovery.

Alexander Vladimirsky

Alexander Vladimirsky

430 Malott Hall
(607) 255-9871

Fast methods for problems in which the direction of information flow can be used to speed up the computations; numerical schemes for non-linear static PDEs; Ordered Upwind Methods (OUMs) for the PDEs arising in the anisotropic exit-time optimal trajectory problems; problems in anisotropic (and hybrid) control and in front propagation.

Derek Warner

Derek Warner

Civil and Environmental Engineering
373 Hollister Hall
(607) 255-7155

Understanding the connection between microscopic physical phenomena and the macroscopic deformation and failure of engineering materials by coupling cutting-edge computing technologies with state-of-the-art simulation techniques.

Jane Wang

Jane Wang

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
323 Thurston Hall
(607) 255-5354

Phenomena in a broad range of physical and biological systems, e.g., understanding the intricacies of unsteady aerodynamics through insect flight and falling leaves. Themes include turbulence, computational fluid dynamics, localization in disordered systems, and general spectral theory of non-Hermitian random matrices and its application to advection-diffusion systems.

David Williamson

David Williamson

Operations Research
236 Rhodes Hall
(607) 255-4883

Algorithms, combinatorial optimization, computer science.